Pune IVF

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Pune IVF Centre is one of the best IVF centers in Pune with the largest team of Gynecologists and Embryologists in one place.


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90 90 78 78 90


If you are facing challenges in getting pregnant, you will be happy to know Pune IVF offers basic to advanced fertility treatments all under one roof.

Ovulation Monitoring

Women with irregular periods or unexplained infertility are at times offered ovulation tracking and couples are asked to have intercourse at the time of ovulation. This can be done in a natural cycle or with ovulation inducing drugs. This is particularly helpful for young couples with good ovarian reserves, patent fallopian tubes and normal semen parameters.

IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination)

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a treatment for infertility wherein sperms are washed, processed and concentrated prior to placement within the uterus. IUI is a basic infertility treatment. IUI can be offered for unexplained infertility, ovulatory disorders like PCOS, mild to moderate male factor infertility, sexual dysfunction, and IUI with frozen semen sample.

Sexual dysfunction

IUI can be done in cases of sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and extremely painful sexual intercourse.

IUI with frozen semen samples:

Couple distant from each other due to some reasons can choose to undergo IUI with frozen samples.
The rationale behind this treatment is to maximize the chances of fertilization by bringing the eggs and sperms at one place at one time.
In cases of mild to moderate male factor infertility IUI can provide a solution.

Tubal patency:

One of the prerequisites to perform IUI is tubal patency. When fallopian tubes are open, the egg that is ovulated can be fertilized within one of the tubes. Once fertilized the embryo travels to the uterus to get implanted. When the tube is blocked the sperms cannot reach the egg to fertilize and hence conception becomes impossible. This is why assessment of tubal patency is important. Tubal patency can be determined by an X ray test called HSG.


It is a process used primarily to check your fallopian tubes and usually used to investigate the reasons for infertility. Since it is a safe and painless procedure, most doctors and patients prefer it.


Along with checking the fallopian tubes, the uterine cavity is also evaluated. When a doctor suspects any abnormality in the fallopian tubes or a blockage, he/she might recommend an SSG. Prior to the IUI procedure, its advisable to ensure that these tubes are healthy. It is the most effective way to check the functioning and patency of the tubes.


This is a method used to diagnose and evaluate the reasons for infertility among women. Hystero means uterus and laparoscopy is a surgical procedure, which involves inserting a thin fibre optic cable and a camera at its end. This camera is called a Laparoscope.


This camera helps to get detailed images of the uterus from its interior and it can be seen on a screen. This enables the doctor to use this information to diagnose the patient. This examination helps to know different conditions that might lead to infertility.


Hysterolaparoscopy is common procedure and a reliable way to diagnose and treat infertility. It gives a detailed information on the condition of uterus as compared to other imaging tests.

Fertility Enhancing Surgeries

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In this process the ovaries are stimulated to produce multiple eggs with the help of medicines and daily hormonal injections. This helps to retrieve the mature eggs, later these eggs are allowed to fertilize with the sperms in the Petri dish in the IVF lab.


When they grow in 3 to 5 days, the fertilized egg (embryo) is placed in the uterus. IVF is used to treat certain hormonal conditions, and blocked fallopian tubes that lead to infertility.


Men with severe and untreatable oligospermia or low sperm count can be treated by using the IVF method.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

It has brought revolution to the male infertility treatment. A tiny needle is used to inject single sperm into the egg. When the egg fertilizes, it is placed in the female partner’s uterus. If the semen quality is extremely poor then ICSI can be the best bet.


If there are no sperms in the semen due to blockage or testicular failure then sperms can be taken from the testicle or epididymis by one of the following surgical methods and ICSI can be performed.

Laser Assisted Hatching

Laser Assisted Hatching is an IVF technique, which assists the hatching of embryo or its breaking through into outer layer or shell. This outer layer is a membrane known as zona pellucida. Sometimes the layer is thick and hard due to the thawing and freezing process. Pregnancy occurs when the embryo naturally breaks out of this shell and implantation takes place. When the embryo has least difficulties in hatching the possibilities of implantation are better. 


In this procedure a small opening is made on the outer shell of the embryo to facilitate the hatching process before embryo transfer is done.

Blastocyst Culture

In the standard IVF, embryos grow under controlled conditions in the laboratory for 2 to 3 days. They are then transferred to the uterus of the woman on the 3rd day. This is called day 3- cleavage embryo transfer. In Blastocyst culture, embryos in the lab are kept for two more days and at this point they are referred as blastocyst.


Blastocyst requires specific high-tech incubators to maintain the controlled conditions. The embryos are watched everyday by the embryologists and the patient is also informed about the progress. Usually, 50 to 70% of embryos should reach the blastocyst stage if the egg and the sperm quality is not much compromised.


Blastocyst transfer offers the best success rates.  

Egg Freezing

This is a great news for career focused women who would like to preserve their fertility for future pregnancy. Often women get busy in their career, they would love to conceive but after  few years. But conceiving after a certain age get complicated. In such a situation Egg Freezing could provide an apt solution.


Egg freezing is known as oocyte cryopreservation and is a method to preserve a women’s ability to get pregnant in future. Eggs are harvested from the ovaries and frozen unfertilized. They are stored to be used later. This frozen egg can be thawed, fertilized with the sperm in a lab and then transferred in the uterus. Egg freezing a fertility preserving concept wherein the eggs can be preserved for future pregnancy.

Genetic Tests


It is a preimplantation genetic screening and it involves removal of one or many cells from IVF embryo to test for checking chromosomal normalcy.


PGS screens your embryo to ensure a normal chromosomal number. Having an extra or a missing chromosome can cause health challenges. For example, if there is an extra chromosome it can mean the child might have Down Syndrome.

ERA Endometrial Receptivity Array or Endometrial Receptivity Analysis:

ERA is a genetic test which involves taking a small sample of a woman’s endometrial tissue to assess and examine if the endometrial lining is developed enough to allow embryo implantation.


This is a modern scientific technology which aims at determining the optimal time window to plant the embryo successfully in a woman’s uterus.

Noninvasive PGT

Preimplantation genetic testing is an effective method to avoid transmission of single gene disorder or any chromosome abnormalities.


Noninvasive PGT or ni-PGT is a procedure that aims to get representative DNA from the embryo without any contact with the embryo.

Lymphocyte LIT

It is an immune treatment that gives hope to women suffering from recurrent miscarriage. The white blood cells from the father are set apart from his blood and later injected into the skin of the expectant mother.


LIT is done after IVF cycles fail and the doctor needs to find if there are any immunological issues that has led to failed implantation.

PRP Platelet- Rich Plasma

This is a method used to enhance the quality of egg, endometrial receptivity, the thickness of the uterine lining and is done along with fertility treatments like IVF.


PRR infusion is used in case the thin endometrium response is slow. The Platelet rich plasma boosts the endometrial growth and the out of pregnancy in women with thin endometrium.

Natural cycle of IVF

No drugs are used to stimulate the growth of follicles and the natural selection of leading the follicle is followed. This is conventional IVF and utilizes drugs to get multiple eggs to create multiple embryos to boost the chances of pregnancy. In this method stimulation drugs aren’t used.


Body naturally selects the best egg. The egg is retrieved at maturity. Egg collection is an easy procedure, with only one follicle it takes less than 5 minutes to retrieve the egg. The egg is then fertilized with your partner’s or donor’s sperm in the laboratory. After 2-3 days the single embryo is replaced in the uterus. Two weeks later the pregnancy test is taken.


Many women opt for Natural Cycle IVF to minimise the cost and the discomfort associated with ovarian stimulation. There are cases in which the outcome with Natural Cycle IVF is predicted to be the same as with stimulated IVF, in which case we would advise it as the treatment of choice. 

Mini IVF

Mini IVF is an infertility treatment, which is same as the standard IVF but it uses minimal medication to stimulate the ovaries. Fewer eggs are retrieved thus, it has fewer chances of the embryo to develop.


Thus, mini-IVF is much more effective than standard IVF. It uses oral medications to induce ovulation before retrieving the egg. Thus, reducing the number and dose of hormone injections.

Fertility after 40

The best age for a woman to bear a child is in her 20s. Fertility starts to decline in the 30s especially after the age of 35. A healthy 30-year-old woman has 20% chances of getting pregnant. But beyond the age of 40 the chances of getting pregnant are minimal.


Not necessary that a woman will remain fertile until menopause. Menopause hits at 51 for most women but most of them are unable to conceive naturally sometime in the mid-40s. These ages are with regards to natural conception as well as using fertility treatment including IVF.

No matter the reason, We can help you.

There are so may ways to start your fertility journey.
Please choose the path that best suits your stage, or give us a call for guidance.

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